2023-03-11 08:15:52 +01:00

56 lines
2.2 KiB

# Push Swap
Push Swap is a 2 stack sorting algoritm, The goal is to sort the input in as few moves as possible\
I wrote my own algoritm which is a combination of quick sort and bubble sort as radix is very bad with only 2 stacks\
The following is a list of the moves we are allowed to make
| Move | Description |
| -- | ------ |
| pa | Pushes the top number from stack B to stack A |
| pb | Pushes the top number from stack A to stack B |
| sa | Swaps the top 2 numbers in stack A |
| sb | Swaps the top 2 numbers in stack B |
| ss | Swaps the top 2 numbers in stack A and in Stack B |
| ra | Rotates Stack A moves all items forward so the last item becomes the first |
| rb | Rotates Stack B moves all items forward so the last item becomes the first |
| rr | Rotates Both stacks moves all items forward, so the last item becomes the first |
| rra | Reverse Rotates Stack A moves all items backwards, so the first item becomes the last |
| rrb | Reverse Rotates Stack B moves all items backwards, so the first item becomes the last |
| rrr | Reverse Rotates Both stacks moves all items backwards, so the first item becomes the last |
## Improvements
#### Improve 5 numbers algoritm
simply hardcode all possibilities with 5 numbers or less
#### Improve more than 30 algoritm
Gotta figure this out to always stay under the goals
## Usage
#### Sorter
1. Simply clone or download the repository
2. Run `make` in the cloned directory
3. Start the program with `./push_swap [numbers seperated by space]`
4. It will return the list of moves to sort the stack
#### Checker
1. Simply clone or download the repository
2. Run `make bonus` in the cloned directory
3. Start the program with `./checker [numbers seperated by space]`
4. You will have to input moves seperated by a return and when you are done press CTRL + D
5. It will return a OK or a KO.
#### Both
1. You can also run both programs with `./push_swap [numbers] | ./checker [same numbers]`
## Tester
#### Todo
- test "-" as argument
- check for -Wall -Werror -Wextra
#### Usage
1. Download test.sh to your push swap directory
2. Make the file executable `chmod +x test.sh`
3. Run `./test.sh` to start the test
[This project is part of the studies at 42](https://42.fr/en/homepage/)