2023-10-26 18:33:42 +02:00
# Libft
Libft is a self written implementation of some of the standard c function.\
It also includes a lot of undocumented functions not in the standard c library.\
Nonetheless the functions have been named somewhat properly and the code should be easy to read.
## Todo
#### Write ft_striteri
`void ft_striteri(char *s, void (*f)(unsigned int, char*));`
## Usage
1. Simply clone or download the repository
2. Run `make` in the cloned directory
3. You can include the created libft.a in your own programs
## Tester
#### Todo
- Add striteri test
- check for -Wall -Werror -Wextra
- Think of more edge cases for all functions
- Extra functions, check if function exists in .h and run the tests for that fucntion
- putchar 4 should print 0
#### Usage
1. Download test.sh and the tests folder into your own project directory
2. Make the file executable `chmod +x test.sh`
3. Run `./test.sh` to start the test
[This project is part of the studies at 42](https://42.fr/en/homepage/)