Danny Jonker d426297b2a bla
2024-08-03 21:04:44 +02:00

74 lines
2.3 KiB

#include "Mode.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
bool Mode::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
std::istringstream iss(msg);
std::string word;
std::string permissions;
iss >> word; // should be MODE
iss >> word; // should be the channel you want to adjust permissions to
this->targetChannel = IRCManager::getChannelByName(word);
iss >> word; // should be the permissions to adjust
permissions = word;
iss >> word; // should be the user that gets affected
this->targetUser = IRCManager::getUserByName(word);
if (this->targetChannel) // Check if the channel exists
if (this->targetUser) // Check if the user exists
if (this->targetChannel->checkOper(user)) // Check if we have operator permissions in the channel
if (permissions.find("+") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to give a mode
if (permissions.find("v") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to give voice
this->voice = 1;
else if (permissions.find("b") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to give ban
this->ban = 1;
else if (permissions.find("o") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to give oper
this->oper = 1;
else if (permissions.find("-") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to take a mode
if (permissions.find("v") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to take voice
this->voice = 2;
else if (permissions.find("b") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to take ban
this->ban = 2;
else if (permissions.find("o") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to take oper
this->oper = 2;
if (this->voice || this->ban || this->oper) // if we need to change anything
return (true);
return (false);
int Mode::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
if (this->voice)
if (this->voice == 1)
if (this->voice == 2)
if (this->ban)
if (this->ban == 1)
if (this->ban == 2)
if (this->oper)
if (this->oper == 1)
if (this->oper == 2)
return (0);