This commit is contained in:
Danny Jonker 2024-08-03 21:04:44 +02:00
commit d426297b2a
27 changed files with 975 additions and 0 deletions

Cap.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
#include "Cap.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
bool Cap::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
std::istringstream iss(msg);
std::string word;
iss >> word; // should be CAP
iss >> word; // should be the mode
if (word == "LS")
this->mode = 1; // In this mode run will print the capabilities of the server
iss >> word; // Should be a code
this->code = word; // Not sure if we need it but if we do we have it.
return (true);
if (word == "REQ")
this->mode = 2; // in this mode run will acknowledge the capabilities sent by the client
size_t pos;
size_t leng;
iss >> word; // Should be a all the capabilities with a : in front of them
leng = word.length();
pos = word.find(":") + 1;
this->capabilities = word.substr(pos, leng - pos); // remove the :
return (true);
std::cout << "Command without mode match" << word << std::endl;
return (false);
int Cap::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
if (this->mode == 1) // Mode is LS
send(this->targetUser, IRCManager::getHostName + " CAP * LS :" + IRCManager::getCapabilities();
return (0);
if (this->mode == 2) // mode is REQ
std::istringstream serverCap(IRCManager::getCapabilities);
std::istringstream clientCap;
std::string server;
std::string client;
std::string matches;
serverCap >> server;
while server[0])
clientCap >> client
while (client[0])
if (client == server)
matches = matches + client + " ";
clientCap >> client
serverCap >> server;
send(this->targetUser, IRCManager::getHostName + " CAP " + user.getNickName() + " ACK :" + matches;
return (0);
return (0);

Cap.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#ifndef CAP_HPP
#define CAP_HPP
#include "../ICommand.hpp"
#include <string>
class Cap : public ICommand
int mode;
std::string lsCode;
User *targetUser;
Channel *targetChannel;
std::string *capabilities;
bool validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg);
int run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send);

Invite.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#include "Invite.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
bool Invite::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
size_t pos;
size_t leng;
std::istringstream iss(msg);
std::string word;
iss >> word; // should be INVITE
iss >> word; // should be the user you want to invite
this->targetUser = IRCManager::getUserByName(word);
iss >> word; // should be the channel you want to invite to
this->targetChannel = IRCManager::getChannelByName(word);
if (this->targetChannel) // Check if the channel exists
if (this->targetUser) // Check if the user exists
return (true);
return (false);
return (true);
int Invite::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
send(this->targetUser, user.getNickName() + "!~" + user.getUserName() + "@" + user.getHostName() + " INVITE " + this->targetUser->getNickName() + " :" + this->targetChannel->getChannelName());
return (0);

Invite.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#ifndef INVITE_HPP
#define INVITE_HPP
#include "../ICommand.hpp"
#include <string>
class Invite : public ICommand
User *targetUser;
Channel *targetChannel;
bool validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg);
int run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send);

Join.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#include "Join.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
bool Join::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
size_t pos;
size_t leng;
leng = msg.length();
pos = msg.find(" ");
name = msg.substr(pos + 1, leng - pos);
this->channel = IRCManager::getChannel(name);
if (this->channel) // Check if the channel exists
if (this->channel->getInviteStatus()) // If it exists do we need an invite?
if (this->channel->checkUserInvite(user)) // Does the user have the invite to join this chat?
return (true);
return (false);
else // The Channel doesn't exist yet
return (true);
int Join::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
if (!this->channel) // Check if the channel exists
IRCManager::addChannel(name); // create the channel
this->channel = IRCManager::getChannel(name);
IRCManager::makeOper(user, this->channel);
else // Channel exists
std::istringstream iss(this->channel->getUserList());
std::string target;
iss >> target;
while (target[0])
send(IRCManager::getUserFromName(target), user.getNickName() + "!~" + user.getUserName() + "@" + user.getHostName() + " JOIN " + this->targetChannel->getChannelName() + " * :" + user->getRealName());
iss >> target;
std::cout << user.getUserName() + " Joined " + this->channel->getChannelName();
return (0);

Join.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#ifndef JOIN_HPP
#define JOIN_HPP
#include "../ICommand.hpp"
#include <string>
class Join : public ICommand
Channel *channel;
std::string name;
bool validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg);
int run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send);

Kick.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#include "Kick.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
bool Kick::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
size_t pos;
size_t leng;
leng = msg.length();
pos = msg.find(":");
this->reason = msg.substr(pos, leng - pos);
if (!this->reason[0])
this->reason = " :" + this->targetUser->getNickName();
std::istringstream iss(msg);
std::string word;
iss >> word; // should be KICK
iss >> word; // should be the channel you want to kick from
this->targetChannel = IRCManager::getChannelByName(word);
iss >> word; // should be the user you want to kick
this->targetUser = IRCManager::getUserByName(word);
if (this->targetChannel) // Check if the channel exists
if (this->targetUser) // Check if the user exists
if (this->targetChannel->checkOper(user)) // Check if we have operator permissions in the channel
return (true);
return (false);
int Kick::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
std::istringstream iss(this->targetChannel->getUserList());
std::string target;
iss >> target;
while (target[0])
send(this->targetUser, user.getNickName() + "!~" + user.getUserName() + "@" + user.getHostName() + " KICK " + this->targetChannel->getChannelName() + " " + this->targetUser->getNickName() + " :" + this->reason);
iss >> target;
return (0);

Kick.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#ifndef KICK_HPP
#define KICK_HPP
#include "../ICommand.hpp"
#include <string>
class Kick : public ICommand
User *targetUser;
Channel *targetChannel;
std::string reason;
bool validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg);
int run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send);

Mode.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#include "Mode.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
bool Mode::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
std::istringstream iss(msg);
std::string word;
std::string permissions;
iss >> word; // should be MODE
iss >> word; // should be the channel you want to adjust permissions to
this->targetChannel = IRCManager::getChannelByName(word);
iss >> word; // should be the permissions to adjust
permissions = word;
iss >> word; // should be the user that gets affected
this->targetUser = IRCManager::getUserByName(word);
if (this->targetChannel) // Check if the channel exists
if (this->targetUser) // Check if the user exists
if (this->targetChannel->checkOper(user)) // Check if we have operator permissions in the channel
if (permissions.find("+") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to give a mode
if (permissions.find("v") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to give voice
this->voice = 1;
else if (permissions.find("b") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to give ban
this->ban = 1;
else if (permissions.find("o") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to give oper
this->oper = 1;
else if (permissions.find("-") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to take a mode
if (permissions.find("v") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to take voice
this->voice = 2;
else if (permissions.find("b") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to take ban
this->ban = 2;
else if (permissions.find("o") != permissions.npos()) // we are going to take oper
this->oper = 2;
if (this->voice || this->ban || this->oper) // if we need to change anything
return (true);
return (false);
int Mode::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
if (this->voice)
if (this->voice == 1)
if (this->voice == 2)
if (this->ban)
if (this->ban == 1)
if (this->ban == 2)
if (this->oper)
if (this->oper == 1)
if (this->oper == 2)
return (0);

Mode.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#ifndef MODE_HPP
#define MODE_HPP
#include "../ICommand.hpp"
#include <string>
class Mode : public ICommand
User *targetUser;
Channel *targetChannel;
int voice;
int oper;
int ban;
bool validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg);
int run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send);

Nick.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#include "Nick.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
Nick::Nick() {}
Nick::~Nick() {}
bool Nick::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
size_t pos;
size_t leng;
leng = msg.length();
pos = msg.find(" ");
this->nickName = msg.substr(pos + 1, leng - pos);
// probably need to check for length and illegal characters
return true;
bool Nick::validate(const Connection &conn, const std::string &msg)
size_t pos;
size_t leng;
leng = msg.length();
pos = msg.find(" ");
this->nickName = msg.substr(pos, leng - pos);
// probably need to check for length and illegal characters
return true;
int Nick::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
std::istringstream issc(user->getChannelList());
std::string targetchannel;
issc >> targetchannel;
while (targetchannel[0])
std::istringstream issu(IRCManager::getChannelFromName(targetchannel)->getUserList());
std::string targetuser;
iss >> targetuser;
while (targetuser[0])
send(IRCManager::getUserFromName(targetuser), user.getNickName() + "!~" + user.getUserName() + "@" + user.getHostName() + " NICK " + " :" + user->getNickName());
issu >> targetuser;
issc >> targetchannel;
return (0);
int Nick::run(Connection &conn, IRC::t_send_f &send) // second run function with Connection argument is for when user is not created yet
if (conn->getNickName()) // User was called before and we will create the user here
IRCManager::addUser(conn, conn->getUserName(), conn->getRealName(), this->nickName());
else // Nick was called before User and User will be created in User
return (0);

Nick.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#ifndef NICK_HPP
#define NICK_HPP
#include "../ICommand.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
class Nick : public ICommand
std::string nickName;
bool validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg);
bool validate(const Connection &conn, const std::string &message);
int run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send);
int run(Connection &conn, IRC::t_send_f &send);

Part.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
#include "Part.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
Part::Part() {}
Part::~Part() {}
bool Part::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
size_t pos;
size_t leng;
std::istringstream iss(msg);
std::string iter;
iss >> iter; //iter will be PART, which we already know
iss >> iter; //iter will be The channel that the user is leaving
if (iter[0] == '#') // If the string starts with a # it is a channel
this->targetChannel = IRCManager::getChannelByName(iter); // identify channel
if (!this->targetChannel)
std::cout << "Channel " + iter + " Does not exist, maybe we should send something back?"; // Not sure what is the proper response here, for now we print
return false; // return false to Dmitry
else // The channel exists
if (!IRCManager::checkChannelMember(user, iter)) // check if the user is part of the channel
std::cout << user.getUserName() + " is not a member of " + iter + " So we would be leaving nothing";
return false;
std::cout << "You can't part with a user, you can only part with channels" << std::endl;
return (false);
leng = msg.length(); // get the length of the message
pos = msg.find(":") + 1; // get position of the reason
this->reason = msg.substr(pos, leng - pos); // store the reason
return true;
int Part::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
std::istringstream iss(targetChannel->getUserList());
std::string target;
iss >> target;
while (target[0])
send(IRCManager::getUserFromName(target), user.getNickName() + user.getHostName() + " PART " + this->targetChannel->getChannelName() + " " + this->reason);
iss >> target;
return (0);

Part.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#ifndef PART_HPP
#define PART_HPP
#include "../ICommand.hpp"
#include <string>
class Part : public ICommand
std::string reason;
Channel *targetChannel;
bool validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg);
int run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send);

Ping.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#include "Ping.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
Ping::Ping() : pingID("") {}
Ping::~Ping() {}
bool Ping::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
size_t pos;
size_t leng;
leng = msg.length(); // get the length of the message
pos = msg.find(" ") + 1; // get position of start of PingID
this->pingID = msg.substr(pos, leng - pos); // set PingID
return true;
int Ping::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
send(user, "PONG " + this->pingID);
std::cout << "PONG " + this->pingID << " Sent to " << user.getUserName() << std::endl;
return (0);

Ping.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#ifndef PING_HPP
#define PING_HPP
#include "../ICommand.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
class Ping : public ICommand
std::string pingID;
bool validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg);
int run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send);

Privmsg.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#include "Privmsg.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
Privmsg::Privmsg() {}
Privmsg::~Privmsg() {}
bool Privmsg::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
size_t pos;
size_t leng;
std::istringstream iss(message);
std::string iter;
iss >> iter;
if (iter[0] == '#') // If the string starts with a # it is a channel
this->targetChannel = IRCManager::getChannelByName(iter); // identify channel
if (!this->targetChannel)
std::cout << "Channel " + iter + " Does not exist, maybe we should send something back?"; // Not sure what is the proper response here, for now we print
return false; // return false to Dmitry
else // The channel exists
if (!IRCManager::checkChannelMember(user, iter)) // check if the user is part of the channel
std::cout << user.getUserName() + " is not a member of " + iter;
return false;
else // else it is a user
this->targetUser = IRCManager::getUserByName(iter); // identify user
if (!this->targetUser)
std::cout << "User " + iter + " Does not exist, maybe we should send something back?"; // Not sure what is the proper response here, for now we print
return false; // return false to Dmitry
while (iter[0]) // put the rest of the string in the message
iss >> iter;
message = message + " " + iter;
return true;
int Privmsg::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
if (this->targetUser)
send(user, user.getNickName() + user.getHostName() + " PRIVMSG " + this->targetUser->getUserName() + " " + this->message);
std::cout << user.getUserName() + " sent a message to " + this->targetUser.getUserName();
send(user, user.getNickName() + user.getHostName() + " PRIVMSG " + this->targetChannel->getChannelName() + " " + this->message);
std::cout << user.getUserName() + " sent a message to " + this->targetChannel.getChannelName();
return (0);

Privmsg.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#include "../ICommand.hpp"
#include "../User.hpp"
#include <string>
class Privmsg : public ICommand
User *targetUser;
Channel *targetChannel;
std::string message;
bool validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg);
int run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send);

Quit.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#include "Quit.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <set>
Quit::Quit() {}
Quit::~Quit() {}
bool Quit::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
size_t pos;
size_t leng;
leng = msg.length();
pos = msg.find(" ");
this->reason = msg.substr(pos, leng - pos);
return true;
int Quit::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
std::istringstream iss(user->getChannelList());
std::string target;
iss >> target;
while (target[0])
send(IRCManager::getChannelFromName(target), user.getNickName() + user.getHostName() + " Quit " + this->reason);
iss >> target;
if (!user->getRegistered())
IRCManager::removeUserFromChannel(user, IRCManager::getChannelFromName(target));
if (!user->getRegistered())

Quit.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#ifndef QUIT_HPP
#define QUIT_HPP
#include "../ICommand.hpp"
#include <string>
class Quit : public ICommand
std::string reason;
bool validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg);
int run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send);

Topic.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#include "Topic.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
bool Topic::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
size_t pos;
size_t leng;
leng = msg.length();
pos = msg.find(":") + 1;
std::istringstream iss(msg);
std::string word;
this->topic = msg.substr(pos, leng - pos);
iss >> word; // should be TOPIC
iss >> word; // should be the Channel you want to change
this->targetChannel = IRCManager::getChannelByName(word);
if (this->targetChannel) // Check if the channel exists
if (this->targetChannel->getUserChangeTopic()) // Check if a user has permission to change the topic
return (true);
if (this->targetChannel->checkOperator(user)) // Check if we have operator permissions in the channel
return (true);
return (false);
int Topic::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
std::istringstream iss(this->targetChannel->getUserList());
std::string target;
iss >> target;
while (target[0])
send(IRCManager::getUserFromName(target), user.getNickName() + "!~" + user.getUserName() + "@" + user.getHostName() + " TOPIC " + this->targetChannel->getChannelName() + " * :" + this->topic;
iss >> target;
return (0);
//TOPIC #testtesttest :test123
//@time=2024-07-22T14:57:54.693Z :HoutwormNick! TOPIC #testtesttest :test123

Topic.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#ifndef TOPIC_HPP
#define TOPIC_HPP
#include "../ICommand.hpp"
#include <string>
class Topic : public ICommand
std::string topic;
Channel *targetChannel;
bool validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg);
int run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send);

UserCMD.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
#include "User.hpp"
#include "../User.hpp"
#include "../Connection.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
UserCMD::UserCMD() {}
UserCMD::~UserCMD() {}
bool UserCMD::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
size_t pos;
size_t leng;
std::istringstream iss(msg);
std::string word;
leng = msg.length();
pos = msg.find(":") + 1;
this->realName = msg.substr(pos, leng - pos);
iss >> word; // should be USER
iss >> word; // should be the Nickname
this->nickName = word;
// perhaps we should check the real and username on length and illegal characters
return true;
bool UserCMD::validate(const Connection &conn, const std::string &msg)
size_t pos;
size_t leng;
std::istringstream iss(msg);
std::string word;
leng = msg.length();
pos = msg.find(":") + 1;
this->realName = msg.substr(pos, leng - pos);
iss >> word; // should be USER
iss >> word; // should be the Nickname
this->nickName = word;
return true;
// perhaps we should check the real and username on length and illegal characters
int UserCMD::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
return (0);
int UserCMD::run(Connection &conn, IRC::t_send_f &send)
if (conn->getNickName()) // Nick was called before and we will create the user here
user = IRCManager::addUser(conn, this->userName, this->realName, conn->getNickName());
else // User was called before Nick and User will be created in Nick
return (0);

UserCMD.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#include "../ICommand.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
class UserCMD : public ICommand
std::string userName;
std::string realName;
bool validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg);
bool validate(const Connection &conn, const std::string &message);
int run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send);
int run(Connection &conn, IRC::t_send_f &send);

Utils.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
int main(void)
std::time_t t = std::time(0);
std::tm* now = std::localtime(&t);
std::cout << std::setfill('0') << "@time=" << (now->tm_year + 1900) + "-" + std::setw(2) + (now->tm_mon + 1) + "-" + std::setw(2) + now->tm_mday + "T" + std::setw(2) + now->tm_hour + ":" + std::setw(2) + now->tm_min + ":" + std::setw(2) + now->tm_sec + "." + std::setw(3) + now->tm_msec + "Z";

Who.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#include "Who.hpp"
#include "../IRC.hpp"
#include <string>
bool Who::validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg)
std::istringstream iss(msg);
std::string word;
std::string current;
iss >> word; // should be WHO
iss >> word; // should be the channel we want the userlist for
this->targetChannel = IRCManager::getChannelFromName(word);
if (this->targetChannel)
std::istringstream userList(this->targetChannel->getUserList());
userList >> current;
while (current[0])
if (user->getNickName() == current)
return (true);
userList >> current;
return (false);
int Who::run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send)
std::istringstream userList(this->targetChannel->getUserList());
std::string current;
User userObj;
send(user, ":" + IRCManager::getHostName() + " 324 " user->getNickName() + this->targetChannel->getChannelName() + "need to extract modes"; // better do this when I get Channel.hpp
send(user, ":" + IRCManager::getHostName() + " 329 " user->getNickName() + this->targetChannel->getChannelName() + "1621432263"; // not sure what this code is for, Maybe the age of the channel or something
userList >> current;
while (current[0])
userObj = IRCManager::getUserFromName(current);
send(user, ":" + IRCManager::getHostName() + " 354 " user->getNickName() + " 152 " + this->targetChannel->getChannelName() + " ~" userObj->getUserName() + " " + userObj->getHostName() + " " + IRCManager::getHostName() + " " + userObj->getNickName " H 0 :" userObj->getRealName();
userList >> current;
return (0);
//+n Disallows external messages.
//+t Only op/hops can set the topic.
//+p Sets the channel as invisible in /list.
//+s Sets the channel as invisible in /list and /whois.
//+i Sets the channel as closed unless the person was invited.
//+k [pass] Sets a password for the channel which users must enter to join.
//+l [number] Sets a limit on the number of users who are allowed in the channel at the same time.
//+m Prevents users who are not opped/hopped/voiced from talking.
//+R Sets the channel so only registered nicks are allowed in.
//+M Sets the channel so only registered nicks are allowed to talk.
//+S Strips formatting from messages, rendering them as plaintext.
//+c Blocks messages containing color codes.
//+i A user must be invited to join the channel.
//+N No nick changes permitted in the channel.

Who.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#ifndef WHO_HPP
#define WHO_HPP
#include "../ICommand.hpp"
#include <string>
class Who : public ICommand
Channel *targetChannel;
bool validate(const User &user, const std::string &msg);
int run(User &user, IRC::t_send_f &send);