2023-06-09 01:15:02 +02:00

379 lines
14 KiB

var visited_host = [];
var private_subnets = [
{'hid':'__none__', 'rid':'private_class_A', 'route':'', 'gate':'', 'route_edit':'false', 'gate_edit':'false', 'h':{'type':'internet'}},
{'hid':'__none__', 'rid':'private_class_B', 'route':'', 'gate':'', 'route_edit':'false', 'gate_edit':'false', 'h':{'type':'internet'}},
{'hid':'__none__', 'rid':'private_class_C', 'route':'', 'gate':'', 'route_edit':'false', 'gate_edit':'false', 'h':{'type':'internet'}}
// simulate network
function ip_to_int(s)
var tab = s.split('.');
tab.forEach((el, idx) => {this[idx] = parseInt(el);});
if (tab.length != 4) return (null);
if (isNaN(tab[0]) || tab[0] < 0 || tab[0] > 223 || isNaN(tab[1]) || tab[1] < 0 || tab[1] > 255 ||
isNaN(tab[2]) || tab[2] < 0 || tab[2] > 255 || isNaN(tab[3]) || tab[3] < 0 || tab[3] > 255) return (null);
if (tab[0] == 127) { g_sim_logs += "loopback address detected on outside interface\n"; return (null); } // maybe not the best option to deal with 127/8 loopback addresses...
return ( ( (tab[0] << 24) | (tab[1] << 16) | (tab[2] << 8) | (tab[3]) ) >>> 0);
function mask_to_int(s)
if (s.length == 0) return (null);
if (s[0] == '/')
var cidr = parseInt(s.substring(1));
if (isNaN(cidr) || cidr < 0 || cidr > 32) return (null);
if (cidr == 32) return ((-1)>>>0);
return ( ((((1 << cidr)>>>0)-1) << (32-cidr))>>>0 );
var tab = s.split('.');
tab.forEach((el, idx) => {this[idx] = parseInt(el);});
if (tab.length != 4) return (null);
if (isNaN(tab[0]) || tab[0] < 0 || tab[0] > 255 || isNaN(tab[1]) || tab[1] < 0 || tab[1] > 255 ||
isNaN(tab[2]) || tab[2] < 0 || tab[2] > 255 || isNaN(tab[3]) || tab[3] < 0 || tab[3] > 255) return (null);
if (tab[0] != 255 && (tab[1] != 0 || tab[2] != 0 || tab[3] != 0)) return (null);
if (tab[0] == 255 && tab[1] != 255 && (tab[2] != 0 || tab[3] != 0)) return (null);
if (tab[0] == 255 && tab[1] == 255 && tab[2] != 255 && tab[3] != 0) return (null);
// magic trick to check if we have continuity of 1 then 0
var mask = ( ( ( tab[0] << 24) | (( tab[1] ) << 16) | (( tab[2] ) << 8) | ( tab[3] ) ) >>> 0);
if (mask == 0) return (0);
if ( ( ((~mask)+1) & (~mask) ) == 0)
return (mask);
return (null);
// mask on interface
function get_if_mask_str(itf)
if (itf['mask_edit'] == 'true')
return (document.getElementById('mask_'+itf['if']).value);
return (itf['mask']);
function get_if_mask(itf)
return (mask_to_int(get_if_mask_str(itf)));
// ip on interface
function get_if_ip_str(itf)
if (itf['ip_edit'] == 'true')
return (document.getElementById('ip_'+itf['if']).value);
return (itf['ip']);
function get_if_ip(itf)
var the_ip = ip_to_int(get_if_ip_str(itf));
// check if ip is not the network or broadcast address
var the_mask = get_if_mask(itf);
if ( (the_ip & (~the_mask)) == 0 ||
(the_ip & (~the_mask)) == (~the_mask) )
return (null);
return (the_ip);
// route in routes
function get_route_route_str(r)
if (r['route_edit'] == 'true')
return (document.getElementById('route_'+r['rid']).value);
return (r['route']);
// gate in routes
function get_route_gate_str(r)
if (r['gate_edit'] == 'true')
return (document.getElementById('gate_'+r['rid']).value);
return (r['gate']);
function get_route_gate(r)
return (ip_to_int(get_route_gate_str(r)));
function ip_match_if(ip, itf)
var iip, imask;
if ((iip = get_if_ip(itf)) === null) { g_sim_logs += 'on interface '+itf['if']+': invalid IP address\n'; return (0); }
if ((imask = get_if_mask(itf)) === null) { g_sim_logs += 'on interface '+itf['if']+': invalid netmask\n'; return (0); }
// my_console_log("## "+iip+" & "+imask+" == "+ip+" & "+imask);
if (iip == ip) { g_sim_logs += "duplicate IP ("+get_if_ip_str(itf)+")\n"; return (0); } // ip_match_if is called only on output, not on arrival
if ((iip & imask) == (ip & imask))
// if ip match the interface network, check that the ip is not the network addr or broadcast ?
return (1);
return (0);
function ip_match_route(ip, r)
var str, rip, rmask;
str = get_route_route_str(r);
if (str == 'default') str = '';
// my_console_log("ip_match_route route :"+JSON.stringify(r));
if (r['h']['type'] == "internet" && str == '')
{ g_sim_logs += 'invalid default route on internet '+r['hid']+'\n'; return (0); }
var tab = str.split('/');
// my_console_log("ip_match_route check : "+str+" againt ip "+ip);
if (tab.length != 2)
{ g_sim_logs += 'invalid route on host '+r['hid']+'\n'; return (0); }
if ((rip = ip_to_int(tab[0])) === null)
{ g_sim_logs += 'invalid route on host '+r['hid']+'\n'; return (0); }
if ((rmask = mask_to_int('/'+tab[1])) === null)
{ g_sim_logs += 'invalid route on host '+r['hid']+'\n'; return (0); }
if ((rip & rmask) == (ip & rmask)) return (1);
return (0);
function rec_route(ip_dest, local_target, input_itf, h) // return array of dest itf
var i, nbif, nb_routes, ret, j;
var itf_ip;
if (input_itf != null)
my_console_log(" ** to "+ip_dest+" / host "+h['id']+" input itf "+input_itf['if']+" / to match local target "+local_target);
my_console_log(" ** to "+ip_dest+" / host "+h['id']);
// loop detection here
if (visited_host.includes(h)) { g_sim_logs += "on "+h['id']+' : loop detected\n'; return ([]); }
// if switch : rec_route to all links
if (h['type'] == 'switch')
g_sim_logs += 'on switch '+h['id']+': pass to all connections\n';
ret = [];
links.forEach(l => {if (l['e1']['hid'] == h['id']) ret = ret.concat(rec_route(ip_dest, local_target, l['e2'], l['h2']));
else if (l['e2']['hid'] == h['id']) ret = ret.concat(rec_route(ip_dest, local_target, l['e1'], l['h1']))});
return (ret);
// on a host, is my current gate ip == the ip of the input itf ?
if (input_itf != null)
if ((itf_ip = get_if_ip(input_itf)) === null) { g_sim_logs += 'on '+h['id']+': invalid IP on input interface '+input_itf['if']+'\n'; return ([]); }
if (itf_ip != local_target) { g_sim_logs += 'on '+h['id']+' : packet not for me\n'; return ([]); }
// accepted on host
g_sim_logs += 'on '+h['id']+' : packet accepted\n';
// internet does no route private addresses, so "internet interface" reject private subnets
if (h['type'] == 'internet')
if (ip_match_route(ip_dest, private_subnets[0]) || ip_match_route(ip_dest, private_subnets[1]) || ip_match_route(ip_dest, private_subnets[2]))
{ g_sim_logs += 'private subnets not routed over internet\n'; return ([]); }
// arrived ? check not only input itf, in case another itf is the target; do not check if input_itf is null (departure host)
if (input_itf != null)
ret = [];
ifs.forEach(itf => {if (itf['hid'] == h['id'] && (itf_ip = get_if_ip(itf)) !== null && ip_dest === itf_ip) ret.push(itf);});
if (ret.length > 0) { g_sim_logs += 'on '+h['id']+': destination IP reached\n'; my_console_log(" destination reached !"); return (ret); } // keep multiple : means that 2 interfaces have the same ip
// ip_dest match an interface ?
my_console_log('on '+h['id']+': check '+ip_dest+" against all interfaces");
nbif = 0; ret = [];
for (i = 0; i < ifs.length; i++)
if (ifs[i]['hid'] == h['id'])
my_console_log(" chk with itf "+ifs[i]['if']);
if (ip_match_if(ip_dest, ifs[i]))
my_console_log(" match itf "+ifs[i]['if']);
nbif ++;
g_sim_logs += 'on '+h['id']+': send to '+ifs[i]['if']+'\n';
links.forEach(l => {if (l['if1'] == ifs[i]['if']) ret = ret.concat(rec_route(ip_dest, ip_dest, l['e2'], l['h2']));
else if (l['if2'] == ifs[i]['if']) ret = ret.concat(rec_route(ip_dest, ip_dest, l['e1'], l['h1']))});
// force fail if multiple ifs on same subnet
if (nbif > 1) { g_sim_logs += 'on '+h['id']+': error on destination ip - multiple interface match\n'; return ([]); }
if (nbif == 1) return (ret);
// else nbif == 0, no interface match, explore routes
my_console_log(" no itf for ip destination, go through gate");
g_sim_logs += 'on '+h['id']+': destination does not match any interface. pass through routing table\n';
ret = [];
nb_routes = 0;
for (j = 0; j < routes.length; j++)
if (routes[j]['hid'] == h['id'])
if (ip_match_route(ip_dest, routes[j]))
g_sim_logs += 'on '+h['id']+' : route match '+get_route_route_str(routes[j])+'\n';
nb_routes ++;
var ip_gate = get_route_gate(routes[j]);
if (ip_gate === null) { g_sim_logs += "on "+h['id']+": invalid gate IP, route "+get_route_route_str(routes[j])+"\n"; return ([]);}
nbif = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ifs.length; i++)
if (ifs[i]['hid'] == h['id'])
if (ip_match_if(ip_gate, ifs[i]))
my_console_log(" gate ip match itf "+ifs[i]['if']);
g_sim_logs += 'on '+h['id']+': send to gateway '+get_route_gate_str(routes[j])+' through interface '+ifs[i]['if']+'\n';
nbif ++;
links.forEach(l => {if (l['if1'] == ifs[i]['if']) ret = ret.concat(rec_route(ip_dest, ip_gate, l['e2'], l['h2']));
else if (l['if2'] == ifs[i]['if']) ret = ret.concat(rec_route(ip_dest, ip_gate, l['e1'], l['h1']))});
if (nbif > 1) { g_sim_logs += 'on '+h['id']+' : error on gate ip - multiple interface match\n'; return ([]); }
if (nb_routes > 0) // only first route is explored.
if (nbif == 0) g_sim_logs += 'on '+h['id']+' : route match but no interface for gateway '+get_route_gate_str(routes[j])+'\n';
return (ret);
// no match, fail
g_sim_logs += 'on '+h['id']+': destination does not match any route\n';
return ([]);
function sim_reach(g)
my_console_log("check reach : "+g['id1']+" -> "+g['id2']);
var ret = [];
var i;
var itf_ip;
for (i = 0; i < ifs.length; i++)
if (g['id2'] == ifs[i]['hid'])
visited_host = [];
if ((itf_ip = get_if_ip(ifs[i])) === null)
g_sim_logs += "on interface "+ifs[i]['if']+": invalid IP\n";
g_sim_logs +="forward way : "+g['id1']+" -> "+g['id2']+" ("+get_if_ip_str(ifs[i])+")\n";
ret = ret.concat(rec_route(itf_ip, 0, null, g['h1']));
if (ret.length > 0)
break; // if one interface matches, that's enough - if ret > 1 it's because another host matches
if (ret.length <= 0) return ({text:'KO - No forward way, try again ...', status:0});
if (ret.length > 1) return ({text:'KO - Multiple destination hosts match ... ', status:0});
if (ret[0]['hid'] != g['id2']) return ({text:'KO - Correct IP reached but on wrong host, try again ...', status:0});
// now reverse way
my_console_log("check reach : "+g['id2']+" -> "+g['id1']);
ret = [];
for (i = 0; i < ifs.length; i++)
if (g['id1'] == ifs[i]['hid'])
visited_host = [];
if ((itf_ip = get_if_ip(ifs[i])) === null)
g_sim_logs += "on interface "+ifs[i]['if']+": invalid IP\n";
g_sim_logs +="reverse way : "+g['id2']+" -> "+g['id1']+" ("+get_if_ip_str(ifs[i])+")\n";
ret = ret.concat(rec_route(itf_ip, 0, null, g['h2']));
if (ret.length > 0)
break; // if one interface matches, that's enough - if ret > 1 it's because another host matches
if (ret.length <= 0) return ({text:'KO - No reverse way, try again ...', status:0});
if (ret.length > 1) return ({text:'KO - Multiple origin hosts match ... ', status:0});
if (ret[0]['hid'] != g['id1']) return ({text:'KO - Correct IP reached but on wrong host, try again ...', status:0});
return ({text:'OK - Congratulations !!', status:1});
function sim_reach_if(g)
my_console_log("check reach interface : "+g['if_id1']+" -> "+g['if_id2']);
var ret = [];
var i;
var itf_ip;
for (i = 0; i < ifs.length; i++)
if (g['if_id2'] == ifs[i]['if'])
visited_host = [];
if ((itf_ip = get_if_ip(ifs[i])) === null)
g_sim_logs += "on inerface "+ifs[i]['if']+": invalid IP\n";
g_sim_logs +="forward way : "+g['if_id1']+" -> "+g['if_id2']+" ("+get_if_ip_str(ifs[i])+")\n";
ret = ret.concat(rec_route(itf_ip, 0, null, g['h1']));
if (ret.length > 0)
break; // if one interface matches, that's enough - if ret > 1 it's because another host matches
if (ret.length <= 0) return ({text:'KO - No forward way, try again ...', status:0});
if (ret.length > 1) return ({text:'KO - Multiple destination hosts match ... ', status:0});
if (ret[0]['if'] != g['if_id2']) return ({text:'KO - Correct IP reached but wrong interface, try again ...', status:0});
// now reverse way
my_console_log("check reach interface : "+g['if_id2']+" -> "+g['if_id1']);
ret = [];
for (i = 0; i < ifs.length; i++)
if (g['if_id1'] == ifs[i]['if'])
visited_host = [];
if ((itf_ip = get_if_ip(ifs[i])) === null)
g_sim_logs += "on interface "+ifs[i]['if']+": invalid IP\n";
g_sim_logs +="reverse way : "+g['if_id2']+" -> "+g['if_id1']+" ("+get_if_ip_str(ifs[i])+")\n";
ret = ret.concat(rec_route(itf_ip, 0, null, g['h2']));
if (ret.length > 0)
break; // if one interface matches, that's enough - if ret > 1 it's because another host matches
if (ret.length <= 0) return ({text:'KO - No reverse way, try again ...', status:0});
if (ret.length > 1) return ({text:'KO - Multiple origin hosts match ... ', status:0});
if (ret[0]['if'] != g['if_id1']) return ({text:'KO - Correct IP reached but wrong interface, try again ...', status:0});
return ({text:'OK - Congratulations !!', status:1});
function sim_goal(g)
if (g['type'] == 'reach')
return (sim_reach(g));
if (g['type'] == 'reach_if')
return (sim_reach_if(g));