var g_sim_logs = ''; var g_my_login = 0; var g_rand_prev; var g_rand_repl = []; var g_eval_lvls; function my_console_log(str) { // console.log(str); } function hash_login(login) { var seed = 0; for (var i = 0; i < login.length; i ++) { if (i%2 == 0) seed += 973 * (login.charCodeAt(i)+i); else seed += 5 * login.charCodeAt(i) * i; } // console.log("hash login : '"+login+"' -> "+seed); return (seed); } function err(thetype, field) { my_console_log("Fatal error in "+thetype+", on field "+field); throw ''; } function my_random(a, b) { if (g_my_login == '') return (Math.round(parseInt(a) + (parseInt(b)-parseInt(a))*Math.random())); var prev = g_rand_prev; prev ^= prev << 13; prev ^= prev >> 17; prev ^= prev << 5; g_rand_prev = prev; prev = (prev & 0x7FFFFFFF) % (parseInt(b)-parseInt(a)+1); return (Math.round(parseInt(a) + prev)); } function random_repl(str) { var regex = /\[(\d+)-(\d+)\]([a-z])/g; var res; var str2 = str; while (res = regex.exec(str)) { my_console_log(res); g_rand_repl[res[3]] = my_random(res[1], res[2]); str2 = str2.replace(res[0], ""+g_rand_repl[res[3]]); my_console_log(str2); } regex = /\[([a-z])\]/g; while (res = regex.exec(str)) { my_console_log(res); if (g_rand_repl[res[1]] != null) { str2 = str2.replace(res[0], ""+g_rand_repl[res[1]]); my_console_log(str2); } else return (null); } if (str2 == "default") return (str2); // check if any non digital, non dot, non slash char, except previous line regex = /[^\d\.\/]/g; if (regex.exec(str2)) return (null); return (str2); } function show_host(root, h) { if (!h['id']) err("hosts", "id"); if (!h['type']) err("hosts id "+h['id'], "type"); if (!h['name']) err("hosts id "+h['id'], "name"); if (!h['geometry']) err("hosts id "+h['id'], "geometry"); if (!h['img']) err("hosts id "+h['id'], "img"); var tab = h['geometry'].split(/[^0-9]+/); if (tab.length != 4) err("hosts id "+h['id'], "geometry parsing"); h['w'] = parseInt(tab[0]); h['h'] = parseInt(tab[1]); h['x'] = parseInt(tab[2]); h['y'] = parseInt(tab[3]); var newelem = document.createElement('div'); newelem.className = 'host_div'; = "absolute"; = h['w']+'px'; = h['h']+'px'; = h['y'] + 'px'; = h['x'] + 'px'; = 'url(img/'+h['img']+')'; root.appendChild(newelem); // label + routes var tab = h['labelpos'].split(','); if (tab.length != 2) err("host id "+h['id'], "labelpos parsing"); h['lx'] = parseInt(tab[0]); h['ly'] = parseInt(tab[1]); var newelem = document.createElement('div'); newelem.className = 'host_info_div'; = "absolute"; = (h['y']+h['ly'])+'px'; = (h['x']+h['lx'])+'px'; var label = ''; var str = ''; routes.forEach(r => {if (h['id'] == r['hid']) { str += '\n'; r['h'] = h;}}); if (str != '') label += '\n'+str; label += '
'+h['type']+' '+h['id']+': '+h['name']+'
Routes :
'; newelem.innerHTML = label; root.appendChild(newelem); } function get_route_info(r) { if (!r['rid']) err("route", "rid"); if (!r['hid']) err("route id "+r['rid'], "hid"); if (!r['route']) err("route id "+r['rid'], "route"); if (!r['route_edit']) err("route id "+r['rid'], "route_edit"); if (!r['gate']) err("route id "+r['rid'], "gate"); if (!r['gate_edit']) err("route id "+r['rid'], "gate_edit"); if ((r['route'] = random_repl(r['route'])) == null) err("route id "+r['rid'], "route ip random syntax"); if ((r['gate'] = random_repl(r['gate'])) == null) err("route id "+r['rid'], "gate random syntax"); if (r['route_edit'] == 'true') route_active = ''; else route_active = 'disabled'; if (r['gate_edit'] == 'true') gate_active = ''; else gate_active = 'disabled'; var routestr = ' => '; // my_console_log("add label route : ##"+routestr); return (routestr); } function show_ifs(root, itf) { if (!itf['if']) err("ifs", "if"); if (!itf['hid']) err("ifs "+itf['if'], "hid"); if (!itf['ip']) err("ifs "+itf['if'], "ip"); if (!itf['mask']) err("ifs "+itf['if'], "mask"); if (!itf['ip_edit']) err("ifs "+itf['if'], "ip_edit"); if (!itf['mask_edit']) err("ifs "+itf['if'], "mask_edit"); if (!itf['type']) err("ifs "+itf['if'], "type"); if (!itf['pos']) err("ifs "+itf['if'], "pos"); if ((itf['ip'] = random_repl(itf['ip'])) == null) err("ifs "+itf['if'], "ip random syntax"); if ((itf['mask'] = random_repl(itf['mask'])) == null) err("ifs "+itf['if'], "mask random syntax"); hosts.forEach(h => {if (itf['hid'] == h['id']) itf['h'] = h}); var tab = itf['pos'].split(','); if (tab.length != 2) err("ifs id "+itf['if'], "pos parsing"); itf['dx'] = parseInt(tab[0]); itf['dy'] = parseInt(tab[1]); if (itf['type'] == 'std') { var newelem = document.createElement('div'); newelem.className = 'itf_div'; = "absolute"; = (itf['h']['y']+itf['dy'])+'px'; = (itf['h']['x']+itf['dx'])+'px'; if (itf['ip_edit'] == 'true') ip_active = ''; else ip_active = 'disabled'; if (itf['mask_edit'] == 'true') mask_active = ''; else mask_active = 'disabled'; newelem.innerHTML = 'Interface '+itf['if']+'
IP :
Mask : '; root.appendChild(newelem); } } function draw_links(root, l) { if (!l['if1'] || !l['if2']) err("links", "id"); ifs.forEach(i => {if (i['if'] == l['if1']) l['e1'] = i}); ifs.forEach(i => {if (i['if'] == l['if2']) l['e2'] = i}); hosts.forEach(h => {if (h['id'] == l['e1']['hid']) l['h1'] = h}); hosts.forEach(h => {if (h['id'] == l['e2']['hid']) l['h2'] = h}); var aLine = document.createElementNS('', 'line'); aLine.setAttribute('id', 'link_'+l['if1']+'_'+l['if2']); = 'link_'+l['if1']+'_'+l['if2']; aLine.setAttribute('x1', ""+(parseInt(l['h1']['x'])+parseInt(l['h1']['w'])/2)); aLine.setAttribute('y1', ""+(parseInt(l['h1']['y'])+parseInt(l['h1']['h'])/2)); aLine.setAttribute('x2', ""+(parseInt(l['h2']['x'])+parseInt(l['h2']['w'])/2)); aLine.setAttribute('y2', ""+(parseInt(l['h2']['y'])+parseInt(l['h2']['h'])/2)); aLine.setAttribute('stroke', "black"); aLine.setAttribute('stroke-width', 3); (document.getElementById('sl')).appendChild(aLine); } function prep_goals(g) { if (!g['id']) err("goals", "id"); if (!g['type']) err("goals "+g['id'], "type"); if (g['type'] == 'reach') { if (!g['id1']) err("goals "+g['id'], "id1"); if (!g['id2']) err("goals "+g['id'], "id2"); hosts.forEach(h => {if (h['id'] == g['id1']) g['h1'] = h}); hosts.forEach(h => {if (h['id'] == g['id2']) g['h2'] = h}); } if (g['type'] == 'reach_if') { if (!g['if_id1']) err("goals "+g['id'], "if_id1"); if (!g['if_id2']) err("goals "+g['id'], "if_id2"); ifs.forEach(itf => {if (itf['if'] == g['if_id1']) { g['h1'] = itf['h']; g['if1'] = itf;}}); ifs.forEach(itf => {if (itf['if'] == g['if_id2']) { g['h2'] = itf['h']; g['if2'] = itf;}}); } } function next_eval() { if (g_eval_lvls.length >= 3) return ('end.html'); var lvl; do { lvl = Math.round(6 + 4*Math.random()); } while (g_eval_lvls.includes(lvl)) g_eval_lvls.push(lvl); localStorage.setItem("g_my_eval", JSON.stringify(g_eval_lvls)); return ('level'+lvl+'.html'); } function my_download(filename, text) { var element = document.createElement('a'); element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text)); element.setAttribute('download', filename); = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(element);; document.body.removeChild(element); } function dl_config() { var infos = { 'routes':{}, 'ifs':{} }; routes.forEach(elem => { infos['routes'][elem['rid']] = {}; if (elem['route_edit'] == 'true') infos['routes'][elem['rid']]['route'] = document.getElementById('route_'+elem['rid']).value; if (elem['gate_edit'] == 'true') infos['routes'][elem['rid']]['gate'] = document.getElementById('gate_'+elem['rid']).value; }); ifs.forEach(elem => { infos['ifs'][elem['if']] = {}; if (elem['ip_edit'] == 'true') infos['ifs'][elem['if']]['ip'] = document.getElementById('ip_'+elem['if']).value; if (elem['mask_edit'] == 'true') infos['ifs'][elem['if']]['mask'] = document.getElementById('mask_'+elem['if']).value; }); my_download('level'+level+'.json', JSON.stringify(infos)); } function show_goals(g) { g_sim_logs += '******* Goal ID '+g['id']+' ********\n'; var div = document.getElementById("goals_id"); div.innerHTML += 'Goal '+g['id']+' : '; if (g['type'] == 'reach') { var obj = sim_goal(g); div.innerHTML += ''+g['h1']['name']+' need to communicate with '+g['h2']['name']+' - Status : '+obj.text; } if (g['type'] == 'reach_if') { var obj = sim_goal(g); div.innerHTML += 'Interface '+g['if1']['if']+' need to communicate with interface '+g['if2']['if']+' - Status : '+obj.text; } div.innerHTML += '
\n'; return (obj.status); } function all_goals() { if (g_my_login != '') g_sim_logs = '** generated for login "'+g_my_login+'" **\n'; else g_sim_logs = '** evaluation mode round '+g_eval_lvls.length+'**\n'; document.getElementById("goals_id").innerHTML = '

Level '+level+' :

\n'; var nb = 0; goals.forEach(elem => nb += show_goals(elem)); document.getElementById("goals_id").innerHTML += ' '; if (nb == goals.length) { if (g_my_login != '') { if (level < 10) document.getElementById("goals_id").innerHTML += " "; else document.getElementById("goals_id").innerHTML += " "; } else { // defense case document.getElementById("goals_id").innerHTML += " "; } } document.getElementById("logs_id").innerHTML = g_sim_logs.replace(/\n/g, '
'); } function load_board() { if (!(g_my_login = localStorage.getItem("g_my_login"))) g_my_login = ''; // will means evaluation & full random g_rand_prev = level + hash_login(g_my_login); // initialize replayable pseudo random generator if (g_my_login == '') g_eval_lvls = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("g_my_eval")); var root = document.getElementById("root_id"); hosts.forEach(elem => show_host(root, elem)); ifs.forEach(elem => show_ifs(root, elem)); links.forEach(elem => draw_links(root, elem)); goals.forEach(elem => prep_goals(elem)); all_goals(); // only for very first time : don't show any log document.getElementById("logs_id").innerHTML = 'Logs will be displayed here'; }