# How to contribute to MLX42 ## Read the wiki for repo codestyle! For any questions, suggestions or help [Contact Me](mailto:lde-la-h@student.codam.nl) ## **Found a bug?** * Avoid opening any new issues without having checked if your problem has already been reported. If there are no currently open issues that fit your problem's description, feel free to [add it](https://github.com/W2Codam/MLX42/issues/new/choose). * When writing an issue make sure to include a clear title and description as well as having filled out all the necessary information: System info, OS, OS-Version, ... * If possible add pictures of the issue. * Maybe fix it yourself :D ? ## Contributing Before thinking of adding a contribution, think. Is it necessary? Will this actually be a useful/required feature? Is your implementation good? Provide clear and documented explanation as to what was changed.