# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Codam Coding College, Amsterdam @ 2022-2023 by W2Wizard. # See README in the root project for more information. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Try to find GLFW3 library and include path. # Once done this will define: # - GLFW3_FOUND # - GLFW3_INCLUDE_PATH # - GLFW3_LIBRARY # Possbile header locations set(_glfw3_HEADER_SEARCH_DIRS "/usr/include" "/usr/local/include" "C:/Program Files/GLFW/include" "C:/Program Files (x86)/GLFW/include" "$ENV{HOME}/.brew/include/" "$ENV{HOME}/homebrew/include/" ) # Possbile library locations set(_glfw3_LIB_SEARCH_DIRS "/usr/lib" "/usr/local/lib" "C:/Program Files/GLFW" "C:/Program Files (x86)/GLFW" "$ENV{HOME}/.brew/lib/" "$ENV{HOME}/homebrew/lib/" ) # Search for the header find_path(GLFW3_INCLUDE_PATH "GLFW/glfw3.h" PATHS ${_glfw3_HEADER_SEARCH_DIRS}) # Search for the library find_library(GLFW3_LIBRARY NAMES glfw3 glfw PATHS ${_glfw3_LIB_SEARCH_DIRS}) if (GLFW3_INCLUDE_PATH AND GLFW3_LIBRARY) set(glfw3_FOUND "YES") include_directories(${GLFW3_INCLUDE_PATH}) message(STATUS "Found GLFW: ${GLFW3_LIBRARY}") else() set(glfw3_FOUND "NO") message(WARNING "Unable to find dependency: GLFW\nDid you install it?") endif()